48th Eastern Area Conference of The Links, Incorporated
Marriott Marquis Times Square | New York, New York | April 23-27, 2025
Grow your brand and your company's brand!
Become a sponsor of the 2025 Eastern Area Conference of The Links, Incorporated in New York City's Times Square!​
Premier Small Business Sponsors
Prominent category recognition at the Eastern Area Conference
Opportunity to place advertisement and promotional item in conference bag
Opportunity to host an exhibit table to maximize in-person engagement & networking
Ad in the Eastern Area Conference program material
Social media mentions
Supporting Small Business Sponsors - $5,000
Standard category recognition at the Eastern Area Conference
Opportunity to place advertisement in conference bag
Opportunity to host an exhibit table to maximize in-person engagement & networking
Ad in the Eastern Area Conference program material
Social media mentions
Community Small Business Sponsors - $2,500
Recognition at the Eastern Area Conference
Opportunity to place advertisement in conference bag
Half-page ad in the Eastern Area Conference program material
Social media mentions
Small Business Sponsors - $1,000
Recognition at the Eastern Area Conference
Quarter-page ad in the Eastern Area Conference program material
Become a Sponsor