48th Eastern Area Conference of The Links, Incorporated
Marriott Marquis Times Square | New York, New York | April 23-27, 2025
Grow your brand and your company's brand!
Become a sponsor of the 2025 Eastern Area Conference of The Links, Incorporated in New York City's Times Square!​
Emerald Sponsorship
Links Members-Only
Invitation to special “invitation-only” reception with Madam Area Director, with commemorative 48th Eastern Area picture
Concierge Registration Support and early event access
Reserved seating at the Opening Ceremony, Legacy Luncheon, Program and Civic luncheons and White Rose Gala
Special webpage designation recognition (optional)
Special door entry (for main events)
Signature Emerald Sponsorship bag
Registration Conference with Special Badge
Acknowledgement during the Opening Ceremony
White Rose Gala (includes two [2] tickets) to the White Rose Gala
White Rose Sponsorship - $2,500 (Links Members-Only)
Early event access to plenary sessions
Signature White Rose Sponsorship bag
Reserved seating at the Opening Ceremony, Legacy Luncheon, Program and Civic luncheons and White Rose Gala
Special webpage designation recognition (optional)
50% off of Conference Registration with Special Badge
White Rose Gala (includes [1] ticket to White Rose Gala
Discount of $100 at Exquisitely East Boutique
Become a Sponsor